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Date accessed: 2022-01-21 08:10:53 IST | 2022-01-20 18:40:53 PDT

Note on why it’s always helpful to visualise your data. There’s an error in the Delhi government’s coronabeds dashboard data. Galaxy Hospital in Delhi shows up in Varanasi, a different city altogether, due to an incorrect location link associated with this hospital. Mapping hospital locations (see below) makes it easy to spot this error.

Number of available ICU beds for COVID-19 patients

Number of available beds: 860/4471

Blue: hospitals with available COVID ICU beds
Red: hospitals whose COVID ICU beds are completely occupied

Radius of circles correspond to number of ICU beds for COVID patients at each hospital.

Number of available beds for COVID-19 patients

Number of available beds: 2658/15557

Blue: hospitals with available COVID beds
Red: hospitals whose COVID beds are completely occupied

Radius of circles correspond to number of beds for COVID patients at each hospital.